Thursday, May 29, 2014


you know how i know humans are doomed?

 (i wake up most days from dreams comfortable and in gratitude,  gratitude requires practice.)

because even they don't use consideration in the kitchen at work putting their dishes away nicely.

which is pretty fucking depressing, since i have offspring.

the flip side is, whatever.

tonight, man scream. not urgent. no cops to be called.

peaceful on 21st street.

Monday, May 26, 2014

what happens when i sit on the yoga mat



gratitude for this body. these eyes behind these eyes.

that's it for the mission update. monday, memorial day.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

day 60 ish

neighbor said hey what happened to that cactus flower?

she was pretty sure someone yanked it and put it in their garden box around the corner.

and my keys are sticky.

moon is almost half again, sweet moon.

and the other day this dog looked at me like it knew me.

hear this not sticky keys.

Friday, May 2, 2014

your bare feet are on the soft earth, your eyes are closed

your body is healed, your spirit softens and guides you, holding you, smiling. you are well, you are whole. you are amazing, infinite love.

the moon is an eyelash. witness.

because music makes you feel no pain