creative people don't live here anymore really
#badastrologyforcreepin lol
but the sky! the blossoms! springtime.
... letter to the once lover
once lover, i don't want to be creepin. but i was curious. nostalgic. y no puedo dice todo en espanol. i didn't mean to be in visible mode. you said so many things about us, i don't need to memorialize it but it is a famous love story. and i still love you. i know it wasn't going to work, and you had more to lose than i had, you only had to cut off a toe or two to keep your body. i am still patti smith wing, i am free. it is beautiful.
everything s still beautiful.
my friends didn't like you. you may not have liked my friends. but that didn't matter. when i looked in your eyes, at your hands, when i dreamed about you in little shorts looking irresistable and gay, when i asked if could lick you, that was pure innocence. i trusted you. hence, the art, the double fuck you, the stickers, i made stickers. dark dark dark day dreaming, oh if you knew what it meant to me. down with OPP. thinking thong. your laugh. and those occasional times when you were rooted in earth, clear, knowing.
purple rain. i wish you well.
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