Friday, February 1, 2019

dreams, no dreams series

y’ever have those suggestive dreams that try to convince you that something or someone is in reality something it/they most likely is/are not? and did you ever act on it and regret it, later realizing that ‘it was just a dream?’ as if, dreams are only always metaphor. only, always.

have you ever practiced just feeling your body breathing, feeling the breath move in and down and up and out? it’s really rich. let’s try it. okay feel the breath expand the chest and belly, lower abdomen, and into the genital area. now exhale and imagine the breath rising up the spine and out the top of the head. i suspect it’s alright to switch directions. yeah i was listening to david deida. and, another book i have on the shelf about circular breathing. i think that’s what grown ups do.

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