Tuesday, March 11, 2014

day 6, abundance, resistance

here it comes. talking about resistance, anything you are not willing to let go of. shows up as illness.
abundance, for recyclers is that knowing that today they will collect a lot of cans, and caps.
there was noise last night. it was on my steps, it was joyful. i put my ear plugs back in. no activity, except very polite trash diggers and absurdly loud recycling trucks.
i got up early and listened to a talk about vibration/energy/magnetism and polarity. center seeking. the lighter particles move to the inside, the heavier to the outside. avoir dupois.and then i checked out the youthspeaks! website. awesome. getting young people to SPEAK! check it out.urgency and truth, what's in your head. http://youthspeaks.org/arts-in-education/writing-performance-workshops/
okay yey! off to work!
lighten up, beastie boys

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