Thursday, September 15, 2016


forgiveness is a direct statement of connection. 

know your internal landscape.  

you are love. you are love. you are loved. you are loving. you matter. that is all you have come here for. your heart is worth everything. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

but the best thing; contrast series

i saw and felt and tasted many beautiful things this weekend, including the rudolf steiner center garden, the lotus center home, aba daba something, happy om, you faerie, grace jones for the first time, my lover's eyes and surrender in body, the moon, my son exclaiming lovingly about a spider in the bush, rock and broken glass, eucalyptus vibrant rainbow leaves, a hawk, or two, a lone coyote, aries vegan poet nutritonist friend's black bean drop off, gay spirited lean black angst knowing, resistance and teaching binary language to said son, ex lover now non separate dream friend, another's pregnant dreams, a two waterfall pool, craft trade business model in the flesh of a blond 41 year old connected thing, lavender cotton baby shorts for a brand new baby life, yet unnamed, yet unlived, a blurred and clear freeway at night; heard deep sound resonance, benign healing lechery, forgiveness and generosity, fuck off laughter, sprouted raw sheep cheese salad, salmon flavored five o'clock, crickets, whatsapp recordimg of radio pop songs on faithfulness, and my own and other's praise, words, essays and truths; but the best thing i witnessed was an overweight suburbian once lonely purposeless lost purposeful mom using a leaf blower to dust her SUV, parked on a cul de sac..

Friday, September 9, 2016

dream series, and car alarms

zombies. ferreal. running, hiding from. coming in the back door, coming up the front stairs. trapped. later group yoga and a faulty plane and a bus that tipped over from too many people in it, 'cause they were running away from zombies.

car alarm, that sweet sound, right out front, three minutes. what goes thru the mind. hmmm. accept. ear plugs. note? love letter to car owners with car alarms. 

listen, ha, your lovely car alarm. ugh, nevermind.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

is there a theme?










creativity/stagnation, death

*  *  * 

you know when you wake with a story or theme? or a theme derived from a story? and it is distilled into words, but to extricate the nuance is more time consuming than you might allow that morning? so the symbolic meanings play out, and you do your best to stay legal and get to work, and stop to explain little by little. when you probably can't. and it doesn't matter. no one knows your heart, your fears, your soul like you do. love each other, love each other. listen, listen. we get to individuate, and we get to collect.