Monday, June 20, 2016

practicality, foul mouth, on the law of attraction

(on practice, and pragmatism)

when conditions are sufficient, manifestation occurs.

i want to comment on this. no street news. except, please, be kind to your children.

my scientific experiment:

includes only one test subject.

my attention to the desire is quantified, vaguely, in proper suzn fashion, as follows:

well, it was consistent. daily. and gratitude takes many forms. it also presents in many forms. god bless the child whose got his own.

vibrate higher. 

rise up rise up. with wings like eagles.

(i've mentioned this in a previous post but if gratitude doesn't come naturally you can also practice sending well wishes/blessings to those you care for, even strangers, even everything. the metta prayer.)

i told the story from the end. how rich, how beautiful, how blessed. who showed up. what i accomplished. i visioned. i wrote it down. i felt the body as it imagined the love radiating through. success, laughter. i relished the sun on my skin, the scent of magnolia, jasmine, rose, wild california sage. i gave thanks for my life, my family, the beautiful people i've collected who tell my story. i composed letters to my beloved.

overall, as i see it, the focus was 50%. (the rest is in a category called domesticity and dicking around.) i took action steps toward loving and knowing my own heart- approaching new heights, setting new goals, inviting friends, let's do it, getting that shit done, or at least started. it starts with idea. idee-fucking-ation.

thank you, thank you, thank you. thank you.

as often as you can, pick something in your life and shout: I FUCKING LOVE YOU.

it's really fun.

something you love to do. something that feeds you. someone who makes your heart fly. a job well done. even if it's imagined. appreciate. appreciate. appreciate. feel it.

feel your body flood with the [imagined] feeling- feel it come through you and from you and around you. consider the effects. the way it multiplies.

it's gratitude. that's what it is. practicing vibrational alignment with your highest desire. there is no service in small thinking.

to be loved, to have loved, to be seen, to be your best self. amplify your brilliance! humility is to know your own worth. to love yourself. to trust yourself, to forgive yourself, like a best friend. to ask hard questions of yourself - who am i? what do i want to experience in this life? what are the relationships i hold most dear and how do i show people i cherish that they mean so much to me. do i make new friends? am i kind? are there people i need to forgive? can i take responsibility to make changes and choices that set me on a clear, healing, evolving sensual ecstatic path? what feels good? what do you want? really???

feel your body get awake. there is no other time. it's right here. right now.

do it.

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